Program goals
- To provide a formalized program for CVBs to attract LSEs.
- To assist in attracting additional spending into Michigan.
- To assist in creating incremental state and local tax revenues.
- To bring into balance the local cost and state revenue gain flow.
Program principals
- Apply only to quot;Large Special Eventsquot; that will generate significant incremental state revenues from out-of-state visitor spending.
- Apply only to events where there is clear inter-state competition.
- Apply only to events where organizers/sponsors are likely to receive operating costs inducement offers from competing communities in other states.
- Provide sufficient flexibility that the program can be a useful tool for CVBs while impressing event organizers choosing future venues.
- Assure proper safeguards; administer with few if any deducts from the MEDC grant.
- Maintain necessary privacy for CVBs as they compete to host LSEs.
Eligible event
- The event must be multi-state or national (typically an annual event that changes host cities each year).
- If held in Detroit, the LSE must involve over 4,000 participants (based upon previous years); non-Detroit events must involve at least 1,500 participants.
- Must span at least 2.5 days (not including preparation).
- At least 60% of the dollars to be spent in Michigan are likely to be derived from non-Michigan businesses or residents.
- Has not been hosted by the community in the year previous to the event targeted.
- Prior to be being chosen to receive financial assistance, CVB officials must submit evidence that future public revenue gains will exceed the amount requested.
- The application must have CVB involvement; joint CVB partnerships and partnerships with other civic or business promotion entities are encouraged.
Eligible costs
- Dollars, even if committed years earlier, can only be spent on hosting costs that occur within one month or during the event.
- Capital expenditures not eligible.
- Expenditures must meet the normal reimbursement validation and accounting rules of the MEDC, DMCVB, and the local CVB.